Great article as always, Paul. Just to reiterate my earlier remark, I've never read Hemingway. But your article has convinced me that maybe I should now. I agree with your comments on viewing historical works of fiction through contemporary lens. The values, norms and beliefs were wildly different back then. I think it's problematic, though, if these are the only texts that are taught in schools. Then, we only see history from a one-sided view. I had the privilege of having an excellent English Literature teacher (though, I'm questioning that excellence now because she didn't make us do Hemingway) but she always convinced us to question everything and consider the context and the other side. A really good example of this was when we had to study Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (which I think is terrible btw), she also made us read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe which tells the mirror opposite story of the colonization of Africa.